The Health Center provides discounts on services to patients eligible for our Fee Discount Program. The fee discount can help you pay for costs not covered by your insurance.
What are the Income Guidelines?
Income guidelines are based on yearly gross income and family size. Guidelines are updated every year around February.
How do I apply?
Complete the Fee Discount Program application below.
Fee Discount Application
We keep all information you provide us in your application completely confidential.
Please attached the following:
Proof of current family income (paycheck stubs, copies of unemployment checks, Social Security award letters, child support, etc.)
If you have zero income, you need to provide a letter of support from the person supporting you or a self-written statement of how you meet your basic needs.
If you are self-employed, please complete the self-employment sheet (three months profit/loss).
Self-Employment Form
If there are special issues you would like us to consider when we review your application, please write them on a separate piece of paper.
Return your completed application with attachments, either in person or by mail to:
Outreach & Enrollment
Sacopee Valley Health Center
70 Main Street, Porter, ME 04068
You can also fax the paperwork to:
Attention – Outreach & Enrollment
(207) 625-7820
What Services are Covered?
Most Health Center services are covered, including medical,behavioral health, and dental appointments. These are discounted at the same fee depending on where you fall on the income guidelines. You will receive a letter explaining the fee amounts for which you qualify.
Other Benefits of our Fee Discount Program:
Enrollment in the 340B prescription discount program.
Discounts on some services provided through MaineHealth hospital free care program.
Discounts on Lab Services provided at the Health Center.
Once enrolled, you will receive more specific information about these benefits.
When can I apply?
You can apply for the Fee Discount Program at any time. Once you qualify, your enrollment generally lasts for one year. Please submit a new application before your expiration date to avoid a gap in fee discount coverage.
For more information call and ask to speak to one of our Community Health Workers at (207) 625-8126
Sacopee Valley Health Center Affordable, Community-Based
Health Care Center
Offering Primary Care, Behavioral Health, Dental, & Walk-in Care